Kamis, 11 September 2008

Kesimpulan Sementara

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Tanggapan atas komentar Hotman Paris Hutapea

Kelompok usaha Lippo yang diwakili pengacara Hotman Paris Hutapea di Jakarta, Rabu (10/9), mengatakan bahwa pihak Astro Malaysia telah melakukan kebohongan publik karena justru merekalah yang tidak mau menandatangani perubahan anggaran dasar perusahaan DV serta menyetorkan sisa modal investasi yang dijanjikan.


Menurut dia, perselisihan tersebut awalnya dipicu oleh kasus rekayasa dokumen keuangan PT DV oleh para direksi, yang ditempatkan Astro Malaysia, yang mengubah dana investasi menjadi seolah-olah utang DV kepada grup Astro Malaysia sebesar US$239,27 juta, padahal tidak pernah ada perjanjian bahwa jumlah tersebut merupakan utang.


Sebelumnya, PT Ayunda Prima Mitra juga menuding Astro All Asia Networ Plc telah memberikan pernyataan bohong. Menurut Hotman, group Lippo menemukan bukti, uang patungan yang digelapkan sebesar US$ 16,1 juta.
Uang tersebut ditransferkan ke perusahaan milik kerabat bekas orang penting Malaysia. Dia juga menuding Astro telah merekayasa keuangan sebesar US$ 239,2 juta menjadi utang PT Direct Vision.
Berbeda dengan Hotman, Alexander saat menyampaikan laporan ke bursa Malaysia, uang sebesar US$16,1 juta ini didistribusikan ke PT Adi Karya Visi melalui PT Direct Vision. Uang itu merupakan uang kontrak pembuatan dan produksi konten ke PT Direct Vision.

Berdasarkan prinsip substance over form maka komentar saya adalah:

1. Hotman memberikan dua pernyataan yang bertolak belakang

Menurutnya Astro tidak menyetor sisa modal investasi kepada PTDV, padahal dia juga menyatakan Astro mengubah dana investasi sebesar US$239,27 juta menjadi seolah-olah hutang PTDV ke astro.

Jadi astro kirim uang tapi PTDV tidak mencatatnya sebagai Modal melainkan Pinjaman atau Hutang, jadi yang terjadi kesalahan pencatatan akuntansi bukan begitu. Sementara duitnya tetap mengalir ke PTDV kan dari Astro?

Kalau kasih komentar berpikir donk, ini urusan bisnis, jangan pakai pendekatan infotainment yak!!!


General Announcement
Reference No AA-080903-62118
Stock Name : ASTRO
Date Announced : 04/09/2008
Type : Announcement
Contents : 1. We refer to the query from Bursa Malaysia in relation to an article in
The Star on 2 September 2008 entitled “Astro caught in a hurricane” and
another article in The Edge on 1 September 2008 entitled “A Grand
Alliance Crumbles” and wish to clarify as follows.
2. On 18 August 2008, AAAN and its affiliates (“Astro”) issued
termination notices to PT Direct Vision (“PT DV”), PT Ayunda Prima
Mitra (“PT APM”), a shareholder of PT DV and PT First Media Tbk (“PT
FM”), the holding company of PT APM (PT APM and PT FM are
collectively referred to as “Lippo ”) with respect to all support and
services being provided to PT DV, giving notice of the cessation of such
support and services. Simultaneously, notice was given that the
Trademark Licence Agreement entered into by PT DV with an AAAN
affiliate will not be renewed on its expiry on 31 August 2008.
3. These actions were undertaken after invoices for support and services
amounting to approximately RM805 million (including interest on all
outstanding amounts due since March 2005) that were sent to PT DV had
not been settled todate. The termination notices require PT DV to make
full payment of all outstanding amounts within fourteen days (i.e. 1st
September 2008) failing which Astro will have the right to terminate all
support and services immediately.
4. However, pursuant to requests by PT DV, Astro has as a gesture of
goodwill and in good faith agreed to continue providing support and
services at a cost of approximately RM20 million and granted an
extension of the Trademark Licence Agreement for a further period of
thirty days expiring on 30 September 2008 to enable PT DV to make
alternative arrangements to mitigate the impact on its customers.
5. In 2004, Astro was invited by Lippo to become its strategic partner in
PT DV(which proposed to provide multi-channel digital satellite paytelevision
and multimedia services in Indonesia under its multimedia
licence) given Astro’s industry leading expertise and established
implementation track record. Additionally, Astro was committed
toinvestin the development of the Indonesian television programming and
digital content (“Content”) industry. Astro and Lippo entered into a
Subscription and Shareholders Agreement on 11 March 2005 (“SSA”) for
the establishment of a joint venture to operate a pay-TV business in
Indonesia through PT DV, a company wholly owned by Lippo and its
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affiliates (“Indonesian Venture”). The SSA sets out the capital
requirements to develop the satellite pay-TV business which was to be
funded through equity contributions by Astro and Lippo in proportion to
their respective proposed shareholding interest of 51:49% and external
funding, and the execution of commercial service agreements with Astro
for broadcasting services, information technology services, satellite
reception equipment lease and channel supply services. The Indonesian
Venture as set out in the SSA received the approval of the Foreign
Investment Board in Indonesia (“BKPM”) in May 2005.
6. On 26 August 2005, the Indonesian Government issued regulations
requiring all broadcasters, including those holding multimedia licences
such as PT DV, to apply for Izin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran (Broadcast
Licence) under the Broadcast Law which limits foreign equity
participation to 20%. As a consequence, the parties entered into further
discussions to restructure the Indonesian Venture to comply with the
requirements of the Broadcast Law.
7. Pursuant to an application made to BKPM for the revised structure in
compliance with the Broadcast Law, BKPM approval was received in
December 2005. PT DV had also received confirmation from the
regulatory authorities that it can continue to operate under its existing
licences and approvals while the application for a new broadcasting
licence is processed under the Broadcast Law. Consequently, Astro
agreed with the full launch of the satellite pay-TV business on 28
February 2006 under the brand name “Astro Nusantara” through PT DV
utilizing a trademark licence granted by an AAAN affiliate.
8. Based on the executed SSA which sets out all the principal terms on
which the Indonesian Venture is to be developed and funded and the
receipt of requisite regulatory approvals for the commencement of the
satellite pay-TV business, Astro had every reason to believe that any
outstanding detail would be satisfactorily resolved in the spirit of
partnership and in good faith and that the revised joint venture agreement
to comply with the Broadcast Law and the commercial services
agreements would be executed to give effect to the Indonesian Venture. In
reliance on this, and consistent with its obligations as contemplated in the
SSA, Astro had incurred substantial expenses to develop and expand PT
DV’s satellite pay-TV platform in Indonesia.
9. However, in June 2006, Lippo indefinitely postponed the finalization of
the revised joint venture agreement and the commercial services
agreements citing as the reason a matter totally unrelated to the
Indonesian Venture. As at 31 July 2006, the total amount that Astro had
invested in the Indonesian Venture was approximately RM157 million.
10. Nonetheless, Astro continued in good faith to support PT DV in its
operations in the reasonable expectation that agreements would be
concluded with Lippo within a short period. However, even though the
unrelated matter appeared to have been resolved by April 2007, Lippo did
not take any steps to conclude and execute any of the agreements relating
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to the Indonesian Venture.
11. On 1 May 2007, Astro had advised Lippo that unexpected delays in
procuring the requisite licences including meeting the conditions
thereunder and concluding the agreements relating to the Indonesian
Venture have led to an increase in the funding that was required to roll out
the satellite pay-TV platform as envisaged by the parties. On 9 May 2007,
Astro received a letter from a Lippo affiliate which stated that the SSA
had ceased to have any effect and all draft agreements on the Indonesian
Venture negotiated up to that date have “become irrelevant and/or have
become superseded by events”. At this time the permanent Broadcast
Licence, the procurement of which was a Lippo obligation, remained
12. Consequently, the Directors had decided that Astro would no longer
equity account for its investment in PT DV with effect from 31 July 2007
at which time Astro’s investments in the Indonesian Venture amounted to
approximately RM334 million. The Directors had also elected for Astro to
continue providing services to enable the parties to seek a mutually
acceptable solution at a cost of approximately RM20 million a month
primarily for procuring local and international television programming. In
this regard, Astro had on various dates announced that it had provided
services in the aggregate amount of a further RM203 million bringing the
total amount invested in the Indonesian Venture as at 30 April 2008 to
RM536 million.
13. In good faith and despite Lippo’s unwillingness to conclude all
documentation in relation to the Indonesian Venture, Astro has been
providing broadcasting services, information technology services, satellite
reception equipment lease and channel supply services to PT DV to
develop a satellite pay-TV business in Indonesia from a start up operation
to a business with a subscriber base exceeding 100,000 (or about a 20%
market share) in less than 2 years. Astro has also incurred some RM200
million to develop the Content, consistent with the commitment made by
Astro to work with the Indonesian production industry to create and
aggregate informative, educational and entertainment programming for
distribution in Indonesia, and to provide a window to Indonesian culture,
talent and heritage to an international audience.
14. Todate, Lippo has not contributed towards the funding needs of PT
DV and all the investment and operating costs incurred by PT DV in
developing its satellite pay-TV business have been met and supported
solely by Astro.
15. In developing the Content, Astro has contracted with PT Adi Karya
Visi (“PT AKV”)to originate and produce programming content that is
now aggregated into 6 television channels which is distributed exclusively
by PT DV in Indonesia. Of the amounts due to PT AKV for these
services, a sum equivalent to USD 16.2 million was paid by Astro through
PT DV to PT AKV. This payment is now the subject of a police report
made on behalf of PT APM in which spurious allegations of
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© 2008, Bursa Malaysia Berhad. All Rights Reserved.
embezzlement, fraud and money laundering were made against certain
directors and employees of PT DV, Astro and PT AKV.
16. As it became clear that Lippo was not interested in concluding the
Indonesian Venture and, additionally, has now suggested that a third party
take over the interest of Lippo on terms that are totally unacceptable,
Astro has decided to no longer support the development and operations of
the multi-channel digital satellite pay-TV business by PT DV and
terminate the provision of all support and services and withdraw the use
of its trademark. Lippo has reacted to Astro’s decision to withdraw
support by threatening to make a substantial claim against Astro. If Astro
receives notice of any proceedings, it will make the appropriate
disclosures. The Board is closely monitoring the situation and will take
the necessary action to safeguard Astro’s interest.
17. In any event, Astro remains committed to supporting the development
and aggregation of local content in Indonesia for the Indonesian and
export markets.
18. All expenses incurred by Astro in providing support and services to
PT DV in relation to the Indonesian Venture have been accounted for in
the published results of AAAN and as disclosed in previous
announcements, AAAN expects to account for further costs relating to
specific commitments made in relation to PT DV operations of
approximately RM200 million.
This announcement is dated 4 September 2008.
Announcement Details :
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Astro Malaysia dan Lippo Resmi Pecah Kongsi

Astro Malaysia dan Lippo Resmi Pecah Kongsi
JAKARTA. Akhirnya, Astro All Asia Networks Plc (Astro Malaysia) secara resmi mengumumkan pengakhiran kerjasamanya dengan PT Direct Vision, kemarin. Dus, kongsi Astro Malaysia dan Grup Lippo dalam bisnis televisi berbayar di Indonesia resmi bubar.

Dalam keterangan resmi ke-pada otoritas bursa Malaysia kemarin (4/9), Astro Malaysia menjelaskan bahwa ia memutuskan untuk tidak memperbarui penggunaan merek atau Trademark Licence Agreement dengan Direct Vision. Masa perjanjian ini usai 31 Agustus 2008.

Kendati perjanjian sudah ber-akhir, Astro Malaysia masih memberi kelonggaran pada Direct Vision hingga 30 September 2008 untuk menggunakan merek dan konten Astro. “Agar Direct Vision bisa mencari cara lain untuk mengurangi dampak pada pelanggannya,” begitu bunyi pernyataan Astro. Perpanjangan pemakaian jasa dan konten Astro Malaysia ini ongkosnya RM20 juta (Rp 52 miliar).

Astro Malaysia mengambil keputusan ini setelah Grup Lippo,sebagai pemegang saham Direct Vision, tak juga membayar tagihan Astro Malaysia senilai RM 805 juta atau sekitar Rp2,1 triliun. Duit sebanyak itu sebagai biaya operasional Direct Vision, sejak tiga tahun lalu sampai 1 September 2008.

Selain alasan tersebut, Perusahaan milik Konglomerat Malaysia Ananda Krishnan ini agaknya kesal karena Lippo tidak juga melepas 51% sahamDirect Vision kepada Astro Malaysiasesuai perjanjian. “Mereka tetap minta pembayaran untuk saham itu sebesar US$ 250 juta,”ungkap sumber KONTAN yangdekat dengan Astro Malaysia.

Menanggapi keputusan AstroMalaysia ini, manajemen DirectVision menegaskan tetap akan memanfaatkan perpanjangan waktu tersebut dengan melayani pelanggan. Direct Vision berjanji tak akan menelantarkan pelanggannya. “Ini merupakan dedikasi para karyawan sebagai operator TV terkemuka kepada para pelanggan,” ungkap Halim Mahfudz, Senior Vice President Corporate Affair Direct Vision.

Mungkinkah dalam sebulan ini sikap Lippo bakal lebih melunak? “Kelanjutan joint venture dan proses pembicaraan soal ini merupakan wewenang para pemegang saham,” tutur Halim yang enggan berbicara lebih jauh mengenai hal itu.

source : www.kontan.co.id

ASTRO-LIPPO break-up - 'This is truly a mess, a very big one'

'This is truly a mess, a very big one'
Alliance of empires turns hostile amid fraud allegations and corporate dissent
By Leslie Lopez

KUALA LUMPUR: A grand alliance between two of South-east Asia's wealthiest tycoons, Malaysian T. Ananda Krishnan and Indonesian James Riady, has collapsed into an acrimonious face-off that could lock their businesses in a bitter legal battle.
In Indonesia, a joint-venture into a pay-TV business has turned hostile. Allegations of embezzlement and fraud, including charges that unauthorised payments were made to an unnamed family member of former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad, have been levelled.

Relations worsened to the point that at least three employees of Mr Ananda's business units in Jakarta had to flee Indonesia for fear of arrest by the police.
In Singapore, the months-long feuding over how to manage property and hotel company Overseas Union Enterprise (OUE), which Mr Ananda and Mr Riady control jointly, has forced the two parties to the arbitration table to resolve differences.
A senior executive of Mr Ananda's business empire, which includes the satellite TV network Astro and cellular phone company Maxis, admitted that the businessman's corporate alliance with the Riadys was in trouble. 'The issues are being worked out, but we are also pursuing legal remedies,' said the executive who asked not to be named.

Mr Riady, who owns the conglomerate Lippo Group, did not respond to queries.
A spokesman for Lippo in Singapore said the company could not comment as the dispute is in arbitration.

'This is truly a mess, a very big one,' said a chief executive of a Malaysian bank which has dealings with the two groups and is closely tracking the situation. 'Both sides made wrong moves and the whole issue boils down to the loss of face. There are not going to be any winners here,' he added.

Loss of face aside, the collapse of the four-year business partnership shows how inter-regional corporate alliances are hard to forge in South-east Asia because companies and governments are reluctant to yield their markets to outside competition.

When partnerships unravel or domestic political problems crop up, nationalistic sentiments are whipped up. In the process, foreign investors can often find themselves on the wrong side of the law, as Singapore groups like Temasek have discovered in their investments in the telecommunications sector in Indonesia and Thailand in recent years.

The following account of the crumbling business ties between Mr Ananda and Mr Riady is based on interviews with bankers, government officials and corporate executives in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, who requested anonymity.
The partnership began in early 2005 when both groups agreed to set up a joint venture to operate a pay-TV business in Indonesia through a Lippo subsidiary, PT Direct Vision (PTDV). The subsidiary owned a multi-media licence awarded by the Indonesian government.

The pay-TV tie-up quickly led to other corporate pacts.
In April 2005, Ananda-controlled Maxis paid US$100 million (S$140 million) to acquire a controlling 51 per cent interest in Lippo's wholly owned cellular telephone company Natrindo.

But rolling out the pay-TV and cellular businesses was not easy in Indonesia's heavily regulated business environment.
The joint venture also came under resistance from other Indonesian telcos and pay-TV players that did not want competition from the new Riady-Ananda start-ups.
At the time, bankers say that Astro and Maxis executives would privately gripe that the Riadys, who wielded immense clout during the Suharto years, had lost their political muscle to get things done under the new regime.

'The view among the Malaysians was that the Riadys had not been able to ensure the status of the licences that they had obtained from the Indonesian authorities,' said a senior Malaysian banker familiar with the situation.
But that did not deter Mr Ananda and Mr Riady from forging new business tie-ups.
In May 2006, Mr Ananda's privately-held holding company Usaha Tegas and Lippo paid S$1.8 billion to take control of Singapore's premier property and hotel company, OUE, from United Overseas Bank.

It was Mr Ananda's first major investment in Singapore andd at the time both parties trumpeted the acquisition of the highly prized OUE as a major corporate coup in the island's robust property sector.

In the meantime, Astro pushed ahead with building its pay-TV business through the Lippo-controlled PT Direct Vision despite numerous unresolved issues over the planned joint venture agreement. Astro employees were seconded to head PTDV, which is currently ranked as Indonesia's second-largest pay-TV operator with 150,000 customers.

In April 2007, Mr Ananda's Maxis bought out Lippo's remaining 44 per cent interest in Natrindo for US$124 million.
It would be a deal that would cause irreparable damage to the alliance.
Two months after concluding the buyout of Natrindo, Mr Ananda entered into one of the region's biggest corporate transactions with Saudi Telecom, Saudi Arabia's largest telecommunications firm.

He sold a 25 per cent interest in Maxis and another 51 per cent in Natrindo for a whopping US$3.05 billion.
The deal stoked anger in the Riady camp. The Indonesians felt that Mr Ananda had already lined up Saudi Telecom as a potential business partner before he concluded the deal to acquire Lippo's remaining interest in Natrindo and in the process deprived the Indonesian group the chance to profit from the Saudi deal.
'The Riadys felt it represented a huge loss of face,' said a Jakarta business consultant who knows the Lippo group well.

But Maxis executives say that negotiations with Saudi Telecom began only after the deal with Lippo was concluded.
Relations between the two partners deteriorated rapidly.
Lippo then informed Astro that it wanted a non-negotiable sum of US$250 million to sell its interest in PTDV, a demand which the Malaysian group rejected.
The OUE joint-venture also began to unravel.

While both parties held roughly equal stakes in the company, close associates of Mr Ananda claim that the Malaysians were deprived of any real sway in the company's management.
Within months, Astro and Maxis executives say that Mr Ananda's operations came under intense pressure.

In August last year, a police report was lodged at the Jakarta police headquarters against one Astro employee seconded to PTDV for alleged embezzlement by a director of a Lippo-affiliated company called PT Ayunda Prima Mitra. The director allegedly made payments to a family member of former Malaysian premier Mahathir.
The allegations contained in the police report, which Astro insists are frivolous, prompted the Malaysian company to immediately fly Mr Sean Dent, who was seconded as chief financial officer in PTDV, out of Jakarta. Mr Dent continues to perform his duties for the pay-TV company from outside Indonesia.

Malaysian police say that the Indonesian police then requested the Interpol division in Malaysia to arrange for them to interview Mr Ralph Marshall, Mr Ananda's chief corporate lieutenant, over the allegations of embezzlement at PT Direct Vision.
Astro executives say that the company had informed the police that its employees, including Mr Marshall, were not aware of any alleged criminal acts in the Indonesian pay-TV company.

So far, no further action has been taken by the police in Malaysia or Indonesia.
In late May this year, another police report was lodged against Astro executives seconded to PTDV, including the Indonesian company's president director Nelia Molato, alleging embezzlement and money laundering.

Sources in Astro say that shortly after the police report was filed, the company was informed that several of its several of its executives had been listed on a travel ban to Indonesia, including Mr Marshall, Mr Dent and senior technical advisor Michael Chan.
The three now perform their duties from outside Indonesia, including Ms Molato, who left Jakarta in mid-June.

With little chance of both parties reaching an amicable situation, senior bankers familiar with the situation say that Mr Ananda is seriously considering legal remedies to resolve his troubles with the Riadys.
Astro has also decided that it will cease its licensing pact with PT Direct Vision when its agreement lapses later this month.

That will mean 150,000 unhappy pay-TV subscribers in Indonesia because Astro will cease to deliver programming to PTDV. The Malaysian company also plans to initiate legal proceedings to demand for roughly US$250 million as compensation from the Lippo Group for funds and technical services to PTDV in rolling out its pay-TV business.

KPI: Astro Tidak Bisa Disalahkan

KPI: Astro Tidak Bisa Disalahkan[1/7/05]
Hasil klarifikasi menyatakan bahwa Astro telah mengantungi perizinan dari beberapa instansi. Meski demikian tetap Astro harus mengurus perizinan sesuai dengan UU Penyiaran.
Anggota Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI, Bimo Nugroho, menyampaikan hal tersebut saat dihubungi hukumonline (30/6) seputar hasil klarifikasi terhadap dugaan pelanggaran UU Penyiaran oleh Astro All Asia Network Plc (Astro).

Dalam klarifikasi tersebut, hampir seluruh anggota KPI hadir minus Victor Menayang dan Ade Armando. Sedang dari pihak yang diklarifikasi hadir Direktur PT Broadband Multimedia Tbk., Hafidz Hadeli, dan Direktur PT Direct Vision Paul Montolalu.

Sebelumnya, Astro diduga melakukan pelanggaran terhadap pasal soal kepemilikan asing dengan menguasai 51 persen saham Direct Vision. Selain itu Direct Vision juga diduga tidak mengantungi perizinan untuk menyelenggarakan jasa telekomunikasi multimedia televisi berbayar direct to home.

Bimo mengatakan, hasil klarifikasi terhadap kepemilikan saham menunjukkan bahwa Direct Vision telah berada dalam jalur yang benar. Namun, selanjutnya perusahaan itu harus menyesuaikan ketentuan dengan pembatasan modal asing sebesar 20 persen seperti diamanatkan dalam UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran.

Jalur yang benar dimaksud, adalah bahwa ternyata Astro telah memecah kepemilikan 51 persen sahamnya menjadi 20 persen Astro dan 31 persen lainnya dilepas kepada publik. Menurut Montolalu, 31 persen akan disebar kepada Karyawan, PT Ayunda dan Grup Lippo.

Selanjutnya mengenai perizinan, setelah melakukan evaluasi atas kelengkapan izin-izin operasionalnya KPI menyatakan bahwa perusahaan tersebut tidak bisa disalahkan. Pasalnya perusahaan itu telah mengantongi perizinan dari beberapa instansi terkait.

Misalnya, izin prinsip penyelenggaraan jasa telekomunikasi multimedia televisi berbayar direct to home, izin landing right terhadap satelit yang mereka gunakan, dan surat keterangan laik operasi. Kemudian, izin penyelenggaraan jasa telekomunikasi multimedia televisi berbayar juga telah diberikan kepada PT Direct Vision. Semua perizinan dan keterangan tersebut dikeluarkan oleh Dirjen Postel semasa dijabat oleh Djamhari Sirat pada 2004 lalu.

Rekomendasi KPI
Meski telah mengantungi sejumlah perizinan tersebut, KPI menyatakan bahwa. Direct Vision harus mengurus izin penyelenggaraan penyiaran di KPI, sesuai UU No. 32/2002.

Anggota KPI, Amelia Hezkasari Day, mengatakan sementara ini KPI baru menyusun perizinan untuk lembaga penyiaran publik. Namun dalam waktu dekat KPI akan mengeluarkan aturan tentang prosedur perizinan terhadap lembaga penyiaran swasta, komunitas dan berlangganan.

Saat peraturan KPI tersebut berlaku, maka semua lembaga penyiaran harus menyesuaikan prosedur perizinannya. Pasalnya, untuk memperoleh perizinan alokasi frekuensi, perlu ada juga rekomendasi dari KPI.

Lippo Ungkap Aksi Sepihak Astro

JAKARTA--MI: Kisruh sengketa join venture PT Direct Vision (DV) antara Lippo Group dengan Astro All Asia Network PLC dari Malaysia terus berlanjut. Setelah Astro menyatakan tidak akan memperpanjang support dan services untuk PT DV setelah 30 September 2008, pihak Lippo Group mengungkap semua aksi sepihak yang dilakukan Astro. Setelah terungkap adanya penjualan dekoder dan siaran ilegal dari Aora TV milik Astro, juga terungkap adanya setoran lebih dari US$16 juta kepada PT Adhikarya Visi milik Tara Agus Sosrowardoyo, menantu mantan PM Malayasia Mahathir Muhammad. Kini 2 eksekutif Astro telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka oleh Polda Metro Jaya. "Dua orang eksekutif Astro yaitu Presiden Direktur PT DV Nelia Concap Cion Molato dan Direktur Utama PT DV Sean Dent telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus pemindahan US$16,2 juta dana milik PT DV ke PT Adhikarya Visi milik menantu Mahathir Muhammad oleh penyidik Polda Metro Jaya," ujar pengacara Hotman Paris Hutapea mewakili PT Ayunda Prima Mitra, anak perusahaan dari Lippo Group, selaku pemegang 49% saham PT Direct Vision (DV), di Jakarta, Rabu (10/9). Selain itu pihak Lippo juga telah mengajukan gugatan perdata pada awal September silam yang menuntut Astro untuk segera memenuhi kewajibannya menyetor kekurangan investasi dan melanjutkan join venture yang telah disepakati. Mulanya, dana US$16,2 juta tersebut merupakan bagian dari modal disetor dari Astro untuk keperluan operasional PT DV yang dibentuk sejak 2005 silam. Namun kemudian dana tersebut dialihkan ke PT Adhikarya Visi yang ditengarai menguasai operasional manajemen PT DV. Astro selaku pemegang 51% saham PT DV juga berkewajiban menyerahkan US$44 juta dana investasi. Namun seiring beroperasinya PT DV, perusahaan siaran televisi berbayar (pay TV) ini dengan label Astro TV, Astro All Asia Network mulai mengalihkan berbagai siaran andalan seperti Liga Inggris ke AoraTV yang notabene nyaris 100% sama dengan isi siaran Astro TV versi PT DV. "Kami tetap menuntut join venture ini dilanjutkan. Tidak semata demi kepentingan bisnis, namun justru ingin melindungi 140 ribu pelanggan PT DV yang terancam kehilangan hak layanan siar," tutur Hotman. Sebelumnya, Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) pada 28 Agustus 2008 silam menetapkan Astro bersalah karena memonopoli program Liga Inggris. Selain itu KPPU juga meminta Astro mempertahankan keberadaan PT DV dan meneruskan operasional siaran demi kepentingan pelanggan. (JJ/OL-03)

Penulis : Jajang Sumantri

Lippo Bantah Tak Mau Serahkan Saham Astro

Rabu, 10 September 2008 22:41

Kapanlagi.com - Pihak Lippo membantah pernyataan pihak Astro Malaysia bahwa pihaknya tidak mau menyerahkan saham 51% di perusahaan patungan televisi berbayar PT Direct Vision (DV).
Kelompok usaha Lippo yang diwakili pengacara Hotman Paris Hutapea di Jakarta, Rabu (10/9), mengatakan bahwa pihak Astro Malaysia telah melakukan kebohongan publik karena justru merekalah yang tidak mau menandatangani perubahan anggaran dasar perusahaan DV serta menyetorkan sisa modal investasi yang dijanjikan.
Perusahaan DV didirikan pihak kelompok usaha Lippo dengan kepemilikan saham 100% melalui anak perusahaannya PT Ayunda Prima Mitra, jauh sebelum pihak Astro Malaysia masuk ke Indonesia.
"Saat ini pun pihak Lippo bersedia memberikan saham 51% di DV. Tapi bagaimana bisa diberikan kalau mereka tidak mau menandatangani perubahan anggaran dasar perusahaan DV, padahal undangan sudah berkali-kali diberikan. Porsi saham itu kan baru bisa diberikan kalau anggaran dasar sudah ditandatangani di depan notaris serta disahkan Departemen Hukum dan HAM," kata Hotman.
Hotman mensinyalir bahwa alasan pihak Astro Malaysia untuk memutuskan kontrak kerjasama dengan Lippo per 31 Agustus 2008 di PT DV sebenarnya didasari itikad buruk karena ingin memperbesar porsi saham di DV, bukan hanya sekedar 51%.
Menurut dia, perselisihan tersebut awalnya dipicu oleh kasus rekayasa dokumen keuangan PT DV oleh para direksi, yang ditempatkan Astro Malaysia, yang mengubah dana investasi menjadi seolah-olah utang DV kepada grup Astro Malaysia sebesar US$239,27 juta, padahal tidak pernah ada perjanjian bahwa jumlah tersebut merupakan utang.
Perselisihan juga diperparah dengan adanya bukti transfer sebesar US$16,18 juta, yang dilakukan dua orang direksi DV -- orang yang ditempatkan Astro Malaysia di DV -- ke PT Adikarya Visi yang dimiliki Tara Agus Sastrowardoyo, orang Indonesia yang menjadi menantu mantan PM Malaysia Mahathir Mohammad.
"Direct Vision tidak mempunyai hubungan hukum dan kontrak apa pun dengan perusahaan keluarga Mahathir Mohammad. Jadi kenapa modal yang sudah disetor ke DV itu tiba-tiba dan secara diam-diam ditransfer ke Adikarya Visi?" tanya Hotman.
Dikatakan bahwa pihak Lippo telah mendaftarkan gugatan hukum ke Polda Metro Jaya awal 2008 kepada dua orang direksi yang ditempatkan Astro Malaysia di DV, yakni Nelia Concapcion Molato, wanita asal Filipina yang telah menjadi WNI dan menjabat sebagai Presdir, serta Sean Dent, lelaki asal Australia yang menjabat sebagai direktur di DV. (kpl/rif)